There was once a king who had a sun-dial in his garden. A sun-dial, as you know is a round slab of stone on which the sun casts its shadow thus telling the time of day. As an ornament to the sun-dial, the king commanded his court philosopher to make up an inscription which he could look at during any hour of the day and furthermore would mean the same whether the king should feel wonderfully happy of unutterably sad, something which would help him and comfort him.
As you can imagine, this was not easy to do. For what you might say about happiness, certainly would be hard to say about sadness and trouble. Do you know what the philosopher wrote?
As you can imagine, this was not easy to do. For what you might say about happiness, certainly would be hard to say about sadness and trouble. Do you know what the philosopher wrote?
Four words:
This too will pass
Yes, happiness on earth will pass to days of gray. That is true and while it does not comfort, it helps you prepare for those days. But so, alike, will your pain, your burden, your misfortune no matter what it is, it always has passed and it always will. This, too, will pass. And if you will remember this thought, you will find it wonderfully comforting.
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