My dear man said the pastor with a touch of aloofness. I do not think you will be happy here though I appreciate your good intention. Really you would be most uncomfortable among my people and I am afraid it would be quite embarrassing to you and perhaps to them. I suggest you think it over and meditate and see if God does not give you some direction.
A week later, the old Negro met the pastor on the street, stopped him and said, Reverend, I took your advice and prayed and meditated and finally God sent me a message. He said I should not bother any more trying to join your church. He said that He hâd been trying to get in there Himself for years without success.
You may ask where i am now and how i can meet you now.
But I am within your heart and we can meet without any effort
Sai Bless You..
Its a true story & quite ironic.So do you know where God lives.
God is everywhere and we can see Him in everything (if we really wish). Formal prayers in designated places is for the uninitiated and the newcomers to the path.. Ramanna Maharishi of Tiruvannamalai stayed in the Ashram near the famous Shiva temple and in over 54 years, never ever felt the need to go to the temple. He could see the Lord Shiva in the hill, in his heart and everywhere...
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